Car test Dacia Duster: The little one for rough work – Auto & Mobil

Football field instead of golf course, down-to-earth instead of bling-bling and a “King of Cool”: In the 2013 advertising video, Mehmet Scholl played a clever outsider and drove up to the elite golf club in a Dacia Duster. The professional footballer not only mocked the snobs of this world, but also made the cheap brand from Romania widely known. The slogan, with slightly twisted nonsense logic, was also pleasing: “The status symbol for everyone who doesn’t need a status symbol.” If you define yourself by your car, it’s your own fault, was the message. When driving higher, faster and further in car country Germany, the driver of a Dacia Duster simply takes the car out of gear. Great cinema for a small SUV – it was well received.

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