Capitol storming hearing: “Trump betrayed his oath of office” – Politics

Hearing on the storming of the Capitol


“He lied, he intimidated, he betrayed his oath of office”

Reading time: 4 mins

The committee plays the video message to which Donald Trump was moved on January 6, 2021 after agonizing hours of doing nothing.


The members of the committee of inquiry into the storming of the Capitol mention ex-President Trump’s oath 56 times. He had sworn to defend the constitution and laws – and on January 6, according to many witnesses, did the opposite.


Fabian Fellman, Washington

Repetition is the mother of learning: this is the Latin proverb that the January 6, 2021 Committee of Inquiry based its lessons for the American electorate on. At prime time on Thursday evening, the House of Representatives held their ninth hearing on Donald Trump’s attempted coup, announced as the last – at least for the time being.

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