Canada puts Iranian Revolutionary Guard on terror list

Status: 19.06.2024 23:22

The EU has been discussing this step for some time, and the USA took a similar step in 2019. Now Canada is following suit – and classifying the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. This also has economic consequences.

Canada has classified the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. “Our government will ensure that there is no immunity for Iran’s unlawful actions and its support for terrorism,” said Canada’s Minister of Public Security, Dominic LeBlanc. The announcement is based on “very strong and convincing evidence.”

The move means, among other things, that anyone in Canada who supports the group financially or materially can be charged for it. In addition, funds belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard can be frozen. According to a report by the AFP news agency, members of the IRGC are now also no longer allowed to enter Canada.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz welcomed the decision. An Iranian statement was not immediately available.

“Disregard of Human Rights”

With its announcement, Canada joins the United States, which took a similar step under President Donald Trump in April 2019. Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, have also been discussing this for years.

There are also calls in many EU countries to put the IRGC on the terror list. The European Union imposed sanctions on it this month for supplying drones to Russia and allies in the Middle East.

Security Minister LeBlanc said the leadership in Tehran repeatedly demonstrated its “disregard for human rights both inside and outside Iran” and its “will to destabilize the international rules-based order.” His country already listed the Al-Quds Brigades sub-organization as a terrorist group.

“It’s time to go home”

At the press conference in Ottawa, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly reminded everyone that her country had already severed diplomatic relations with Iran several years ago. Canadians are therefore advised not to travel there. “For those who are currently in Iran: It is time to go home,” said Joly.

According to AFP, Justin Trudeau’s government had hesitated for some time to put the IRGC as a whole on the list, citing concerns that the organization was too large and that the move could have a negative impact on anti-government Iranians living in Canada.

Estimated strength of 190,000 men

After an Iranian air strike on Israel, the Israeli government said it had again called on several countries to take the step.

The IRGC is Iran’s elite armed forces, which are supposed to protect the state ideology and prevent a coup. The unit is heavily criticized for its involvement in the oppression of the population.

The force controls large parts of the armed forces and the missile program and also has great influence on politics and the economy. According to a report by the Reuters news agency, US intelligence services estimate the force to be 190,000 strong, slightly larger than the number of soldiers in uniform in the German army.

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