Can the couple live without sex?

It’s Friday and it’s the day of podcast “Tout Sex Explores”, the “sexuality and society” meeting of 20 minutes. We evoke the absence of sexual relations in the couple with Caroline Kruse, marriage and family counselor, couple therapist for about thirty years. She is the author, with Benoit Bastard, of the comic strip We need to talk (Rocher editions, 2019). A book in which the marriage counselor presents the main subjects of conflicts within the couple.

The life of a couple, its ups and downs, and sometimes (or often) no or no more sex. Can the couple, in all its configurations and diversity, find a balance without sexual relations? If this represents suffering for one or both of the partners, what to do, and what to say?

What communication?

In this episode, to listen to above, Caroline Kruse insists in particular on understanding, trust and communication within the couple. And reveals that there is not a situation, but situations, and different reactions to the absence of sexual relations between the couple.

Do you live your life as a couple without sex? Do you live it well? On the contrary, is it suffering? What have you put in place with your partner to find, if you wish, a sex life? The floor is yours, in the comments below the article.

You can find the “Tout Sexiquer” podcast on all podcast apps and on Please feel free to leave us comments and write to us at: [email protected]

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