Calls for vaccination: Almost half is not enough

Status: 07/24/2021 4:28 p.m.

In view of rising incidences and an impending fourth corona wave, more and more politicians and institutions are calling for vaccinations. The vaccination rate in Germany is still below 50 percent.

Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek has asked adults to be vaccinated against Corona – also out of solidarity with children and adolescents. “Especially now, when the number of infections is rising again, as many adults as possible should show solidarity with the children and adolescents by not vaccinating people taking advantage of the vaccination offers,” she told the Funke media group. “The solidarity of adults would be a very important contribution to enable regular school operations after the summer vacation.”

Corona pandemic: politicians and doctors promote vaccinations

24.7.2021 12:22 p.m.

Patient advocates complain about a lack of willingness to vaccinate

The German Foundation for Patient Protection accused the younger generations in Germany of a lack of willingness to vaccinate. “Although vaccine is now available for two million people every day, only 500,000 doses are called up, because vaccination progress is bogging along in the young and middle generation,” said Eugen Brysch, chairman of the foundation.

The president of the professional association of paediatricians, Thomas Fischbach, called on the adult population as a whole to vaccinate in order to contain the pandemic and to spare children and adolescents further restrictions.

“The risk is high that in the end children and young people will be the doormats again,” Fischbach told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “Politicians should also put more pressure on,” he demanded, citing as examples “no vacation without quarantine, no theater visit without a PCR test”.

Appeals for further caution

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach also advised caution because herd immunity has not yet been achieved. “Discotheque visits only for people who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested and only with a mask,” he urged the editorial network Germany (RND).

The Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) told the editorial network Germany that vaccination refusals should not be given back the same freedoms as vaccinated people in the future. “For example, they have to pay for rapid tests or they cannot attend every event,” he said. It could not be “that nothing changes for those who have been vaccinated just because society has to show permanent consideration for those who refuse”.

General practitioner association demands better education

The chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners, Ulrich Weigeldt, spoke out in favor of motivating citizens to vaccinate more intelligently. “I miss communication in Germany that is motivated by positive messages and not always based on disaster alarms,” ​​he told the editorial network in Germany.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the rate of those completely vaccinated against Corona rose to 49.1 percent of the total population in Germany. At least one vaccine dose was given to 60.8 percent of the population.

The seven-day incidence has been rising continuously for two and a half weeks. According to the RKI, it is currently 13.6 – the previous day the value was 13.2 and the most recent low on July 6th was 4.9. Most recently, the health authorities in Germany reported new corona infections to the RKI 1919 within one day.

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