Caffeine consumption: 10 positive effects of drinking coffee every day

Many solve problems best with a cup of coffee in hand. But there are other positive effects if you spoil your body with caffeine every day.

Many people still shy away from frequent coffee consumption. Too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations and sweating, which is why some prefer to have a cup of tea. Others sleep less well or complain of stomach problems. Of course, every body reacts differently: But there are also positive effects that this hot drink has on us.

Coffee is popular and enjoyed in abundance

It is not for nothing that coffee – in whatever form – is the favorite drink of the Germans: With a per capita consumption of 164 liters per year, we drink significantly more coffee than, for example, beer with a consumption of 92 liters or mineral water with a consumption of 122 liters. We have identified ten positive effects for you that daily coffee enjoyment can have on us.

1. The metabolism is stimulated by coffee

Coffee really heats up the metabolism. Responsible for this is the caffeine, an alkaloid, which stimulates the central nervous system and is therefore also called a “nerve poison”. In fact, it boosts the brain’s production of adrenaline and dopamine, both hormones that cause the body to produce heat and raise blood pressure. All this means that the metabolism is stimulated and with it the burning of fat. Or to put it another way: Coffee makes you slim – of course only without milk and sugar.

2. The brain works better with caffeine

Everyone has probably noticed that before a tricky task one should have a nice strong espresso. After enjoying it, even the most difficult conference works. But why? Quite simply: the stress hormone adrenaline produced by the caffeine causes an increase in body temperature. At the same time, the blood vessels in the intestines dilate slightly, but in the brain they constrict. The body is programmed for stress and, in the broadest sense, for survival. This increases the ability to concentrate, reduces tiredness and spreads a feeling of warmth.

3. Coffee puts you in a good mood

Holding a coffee in your hand can make you very happy. In fact, according to “”, many studies have shown that the mood improves significantly after drinking coffee. The happiness hormone dopamine and various antioxidants that are found in the coffee beans are decisive for this. Well-being increases, with regular coffee consumption of up to four cups a day it should even be possible to prevent depression. The risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia is said to be reduced with coffee consumption.

Is your first thought in the morning is a nice cup of coffee? There are other ways to wake up quickly without coffee.

4. Better sleep with caffeine in the blood

What sounds strange at first has also been proven in many studies: Those who drink coffee regularly have a more pleasant sleep. The blood circulation-promoting effect of caffeine also means that the human sheep center is better supplied with blood and oxygen. The breathing rate remains regular, you sleep better.

5. Coffee prevents cardiovascular disease

The caffeine gets the circulation going, which for some people results in sweating and palpitations. Nevertheless, researchers have found that drinking coffee can protect against serious cardiovascular diseases. As the? It is again the antioxidants that capture the free radicals and thus protect the cells. The vessels remain supple, there are fewer calcifications.

6. The risk of diabetes is reduced

Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is not hereditary and develops over time. Coffee consumption also has positive effects here, because regular consumption halves the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as studies have shown.

7. Those who enjoy coffee have fewer wrinkles

Since coffee has a positive effect on our vessels and protects against cell damage, caffeine also affects our skin: the inner structure remains plumper, wrinkles are not formed as quickly. Some studies even suggest that four or more cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of skin cancer by about 20 percent.

Are you dying of tap water when making coffee? That might not necessarily be ideal.

8. Coffee strengthens the immune system

There is always talk of antioxidants, but where they are, life is simply healthier: Many radicals are released through alcohol, nicotine consumption or an unhealthy diet. Antioxidants capture them and thus support our immune system. There is less inflammation in the body, diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, varicose veins, joint problems and cancer can be reduced.

9. Coffee helps with migraines

Coffee can work wonders for severe migraine attacks – in combination with the juice of half a lemon. In migraines, the blood vessels in the brain are greatly enlarged. The caffeine constricts these blood vessels again. The addition of vitamin C from the lemon increases the formation of an endogenous messenger substance that can also alleviate headaches.

10. You simply live longer with coffee

A study has shown that too. Researchers found that high coffee consumption is closely associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality. However, this positive effect only sets in when you drink more than three cups of coffee a day.

How many cups is actually healthy?

Basically, according to “”, the consumption of four cups of filter coffee spread over the day is harmless. That’s about 400 milligrams of caffeine daily. Pregnant women should reduce their coffee consumption and stick to 200 milligrams per day.

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