Cabaret artist: Jochen Busse feels at home in Munich

cabaret artist
Jochen Busse feels at home in Munich

Jochen Busse feels right at home in Munich. Photo: Thomas Schulze/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

He keeps fit with a hula hoop. The cabaret artist Jochen Busse (81) also swears by yoga and loves the Bavarian capital.

Actor, cabaret artist and satirist Jochen Busse (“7 days, 7 heads”) feels comfortable in his new Munich apartment.

“Everything is not yet set up as it should be, but the apartment is exactly how I imagined it,” said Busse of “tz” in Munich. Actually, he fell in love with the Bavarian state capital when he was 16 years old. He also lived in Munich for more than 30 years.

“I love the people here – with their very own fascinating language,” said Busse, who also has an apartment in Düsseldorf. “The food. The area with its lakes.»

The 81-year-old stressed that he was in good health. “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fit, I only occasionally do my famous headstand, I eat extremely healthy, and my daily agenda has included half an hour of yoga and a hula hoop for over 20 years.” The latter in particular keeps him young: “I swear.”


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