Recently, Christians in Germany are no longer part of the majority. Sometimes you even have to justify how you can still be in church after everything that has happened. Tobias Haberl, author of Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazinedescribes in his new book the feeling of no longer being understood as a believer. Without hiding the mistakes of the church, he talks about the bright side of faith: the consolation, the support, the hope. At the same time, he defends the church as an orienting authority in a world in crisis. Because one thing is obvious: Even without God, great freedom does not arise. Instead: new compulsions, new fears, new addictions, short-term satisfaction instead of lasting peace. For years there has been discussion about how the church needs to change in order to arrive in the 21st century. This book turns the question around: What can the 21st century learn from people of faith? What can still give us meaning and hope in a world that will soon be completely digital? And very important: Where does the church have to renew itself and where must it remain uncomfortable in order to protect an ever-accelerating society from itself?