But what motivates Eddy Le Beller, the tireless Lutte Ouvrière candidate?

Eddy Le Beller, 52, head of the Lutte Ouvrière list in Pays-de-la-Loire. – F.Brenon / 20Minutes

  • The regional elections will take place on June 20 and 27, in parallel with the departmental elections.
  • The Lutte Ouvrière list will be led in Pays-de-la-Loire by Eddy Le Beller, already head of the list in 2010 and 2015.

This is his third campaign as the top of the list Workers struggle in regional elections in Pays-de-la-Loire. In 2010, he had totaled 1.60% of the votes in the first round. In 2015, it had obtained only 1.47%. Modest scores that do not undermine the “determination” of Eddy Le Beller, 52, a regular in the polls since he had also run for municipal, departmental and European elections.

“Even if we score low, each time we represent people who identify with our ideas, it’s worth it. I don’t want us to hear only the bells of a few political teams. Their speech and their recipes are close. We must affirm that something else is possible, for and with the workers, ”insists the Nazairien, who participated this Thursday evening in Nantes in a public meeting in the company of Nathalie Arthaud, national spokesperson for Lutte Ouvrière.

“To wrest from the most powerful the means which are lacking”

This shipbuilding technician, an employee of Chantiers de l’Atlantique, began to campaign “from adolescence”, in the wake of his parents settled in Morbihan. “I was a little revolted against injustices, I already thought that society had to change in depth. I became interested in communism and then I found in the ideas of the Lutte Ouvrière movement what suited me. »Her meeting with Arlette Laguiller,
worker party figure, during a meeting preceding the presidential election 1988, was a confirmation.

“Workers have another role to play than just being performers,” says Eddy Le Beller. It is the social class that is subjected to the politics of a small minority of people, those in power, who run our businesses. If the workers oppose the most powerful, they will be able to wrest the means that are lacking to solve the main problems: low wages, insufficient retirement pensions, the distribution of work among all… ”

“You cannot defend workers and be a professional politician”

Compared to the other candidates, Eddy Le Beller cultivates the particularity of not putting forward proposals specific to the Pays-de-la-Loire region. “Everything that is wrong with Airbus, at Chantiers, at Michelin is the result of a global problem. What matters is to brawl and take control of this society to change. But it is also important to challenge the other parties, to show that they are talking dirty things, like to say that we cannot find labor for certain trades. That is an employer spiel to get low wages accepted. “

The Nazairien also has the particularity of carrying out his electoral campaign in parallel with a full-time job. “I do it on my own time, like many activists. You cannot defend workers, jobs, wages, and be a professional politician. What revolts me the most about the other candidates is that they defend the established order. They manage a system that is comfortable for them, ”considers Eddy Le Beller.

Despite the context of the health crisis, which would have “demonstrated the austerity of public services”, the Lutte Ouvrière list will very probably not reach the second round of the election. “I do not delude myself, admits his leader. The ideas that have the wind in their sails are rather reactionary ideas, including among the popular classes. Security and immigration are easy topics for applicants. »Will Eddy Le Beller then call to vote on the left? “No, I don’t feel any connection with political parties that call themselves left. They have all been in power, they have all participated in disarming the world of work. “

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