Bundestag: Union calls for joint limitation of migration

Union calls for joint limitation of migration

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt calls on the traffic light coalition to make joint decisions on migration limitation. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

The number of asylum seekers in Germany is increasing. The Union wants to limit the admission of refugees – but also joint decisions with the traffic light government in this regard.

The opposition Union has called on the traffic light coalition to make joint decisions to limit irregular migration to Germany. “We offer you to solve this issue with us, because otherwise it could develop into a major social conflict,” said CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt Bundestag.

Asylum numbers are rising, municipalities are overloaded, acceptance is dwindling. If this analysis is the basis, a consensus can be formed. After the proposal for a Germany pact, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) did nothing to fill this “empty word” with life. Dobrindt accused Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) of blocking EU migration decisions.

The Union submitted its own proposal for a Germany pact on migration. He calls on the government to “significantly reduce irregular migration in order to relieve the burden on federal, state and local governments.”

The list of safe countries of origin for accelerated asylum procedures should be expanded to include Georgia, Moldova, India, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria. Following the example of the border with Austria, border controls should also be introduced at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. Effective agreements should be concluded with relevant countries of origin to take back their nationals. The federal and state governments should increase their efforts towards voluntary returns and deportations.

“Asylum protection mechanism” in third countries

Dobrindt also wants to accommodate refugees in countries outside of Europe with the help of a European “asylum protection mechanism”. “The right to asylum does not necessarily mean that this protection has to be granted in Europe,” he said in an interview with the news portal “t-online”. Third countries could also protect people, with the help of a concept for a European asylum protection mechanism. According to the “t-online” report, he did not elaborate on his statements.

The CDU/CSU parliamentary group also calls for the possibility at EU level to carry out asylum procedures without restrictions in safe third countries in its motion “Germany Pact in Migration Policy – Stop Irregular Migration”, which is on the agenda in the Bundestag.

Faeser rejects allegations of inaction on migration

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has rejected accusations from the opposition that she is inactive on the issue of migration and is reinforcing it with her policies. “Our measures are working. We control and regulate migration,” said the SPD politician in the Bundestag. The reason for the debate was a motion submitted by the CDU and CSU under the heading “Germany Pact in Migration Policy” with demands for stricter measures in this area. The Union was reacting to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), who had offered the Union a “Germany Pact” to modernize the country a good two weeks ago.

In her speech, Faeser referred to the planned reform of the European asylum system, joint work with Polish and Czech authorities at the borders and increased federal police for the so-called covert search. “So we’re already taking action wherever you ask.” She also rejected reports that there were plans to make family reunification easier for refugees. The Interior Minister said she doesn’t plan to do that at the moment.

Faeser accused the previous speaker, CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt, of fueling the debate with his statements. Proposals from the Union for a migration cap are populism that only strengthens the right-wing extremists. “Don’t continue on the wrong path of campaigning on the backs of people who are threatened by war and terror.” There are no easy solutions.


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