As of: 06/26/2021 12:19 p.m.
The Union struggled for a long time to find a common program. But despite the differences, CSU boss Söder is confident that his party and the CDU can win the federal election. In front of CSU delegates, he identified the Greens as the main opponent.
A few months before the federal election, CSU leader Markus Söder swore his party to campaign for the upcoming federal election. It is important to exploit the full potential of the electorate, demanded Söder in the Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nuremberg. There, the CSU wants to approve the list for the Bundestag at its state delegate assembly.
“In the Chancellery, Armin Laschet has to be a man of the Union and not a green candidate,” said Söder. The trend for the Union is good again. In Bavaria, the CSU is currently in surveys at over 40 percent.
Vera Cornette, BR, from the list of the CSU in Nuremberg
tagesschau24 12:00 p.m., 26.6.2021
“Not a clientele party, but a people’s party”
In his speech, Söder mainly attacked the Greens, who in surveys are behind the Union, but are still their direct competitors for entry into the Chancellery. “The green soaring has stopped,” said the CSU boss
The Greens have developed back into a party of ideologues. You are a clientele party. You don’t need any unsafe experiments with them in political responsibility, said Söder. With regard to one’s own party, the connection between modernity and tradition is important. You want to address everyone in society. The CSU is not a clientele party, but a people’s party and wants to make offers for the entire people, said Söder.
At the same time, the Bavarian Prime Minister praised his corona policy and pointed out the importance of vaccination in order not to have to go into a new lockdown in the fall.
Commemoration of victims in Würzburg
In a minute’s silence, Söder remembered the wounded soldiers in Mali and the victims and injured of the knife attack in Würzburg. The Prime Minister described the act of violence in the Franconian city as a rampage.
All of Bavaria was appalled by what had happened in Würzburg, said Söder. He had previously ordered mourning flags for the Free State. It is a “difficult day for Bavaria”.
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