Bundestag: Demand: More transparency in the case of MPs’ additional income

Demand: More transparency for MPs’ additional income

Debate at the session of the German Bundestag. photo

© Carsten Koall/dpa

Since this electoral term, members of the Bundestag have had to provide more detailed information about their additional income. Some parliamentarians report high amounts – but the numbers are not easy to compare.

The stricter rules for disclosing the additional income of members of the Bundestag are still not sufficient, according to the organization “Membership Watch”.

“It’s a step in the right direction, but it can still be tightened,” said Lisa Böhm from Bundestag Watch on Tuesday at the German Press Agency in Berlin. MEPs should also have to state additional income of less than 1,000 euros a month or 3,000 euros a year. There is also a need for an independent testing body.

The organization, which campaigns for more transparency in politics, and “Der Spiegel” have examined the additional income of the 736 MPs in this electoral term. According to the transparency initiative, they amount to almost 25 million euros.

However, the “Spiegel” points out that the amounts of the individual MPs come about very differently. It is difficult to compare the numbers. Gross salaries, company sales, speaking fees, reimbursement of travel expenses or profit distributions from company investments could be reported as additional earnings.

Since this electoral term, MPs have had to report their extra income to the President of the Bundestag, down to the cent, as soon as it exceeds 1,000 euros a month or 3,000 euros a year. Before that, they had to be given in ten steps, which was much less precise. This was the highest level of early income of more than 250,000 euros – it was not clear whether it was perhaps one million euros. According to Section 44a of the Members’ Act, secondary activities are generally permitted – however, the exercise of the mandate must be the focus of a member’s activities.

There are actually high additional incomes

A look at the publications of the MPs shows that there is actually a high level of additional income. The leader is Sebastian Brehm, CSU member of parliament and tax consultant from Nuremberg. He has named more than 300 clients on his Bundestag website and comes up with a sum of almost 3.5 million euros. However, he told the “Spiegel” that these are company sales and that many clients are looked after by his employees on their own responsibility. Freelancers and sole proprietors would have to disclose their gross sales, which, however, are not comparable with the incomes of other MPs.

On the other hand, the additional income of Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD), who receives 7,500 euros a year as a member of the supervisory board of Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH in Duisburg, is comparatively modest.

Background to secondary activities and income of members of parliament Paragraph 44a of the Members of Parliament Act Bundestag website Sebastian Brehm (CSU) Bundestag website Bärbel Bas (SPD)


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