Bundesliga with higher stadium utilization than before Corona

Bundesliga with higher stadium utilization than before Corona

Bundesliga”Schalke 04 v FC Bayern Munich”

©Getty Images

The Bundesliga has a higher stadium utilization than before Corona. Interest is therefore increasing rather than decreasing.

The current season is the first since the first Corona outbreak to run without restrictions in the stadium. The positive development: The utilization of the stadiums is even higher than before the pandemic.

In March 2020, the Covid-related shutdown followed in almost all areas of life in Germany. This is also the case in the Bundesliga, where the ball stopped rolling for the time being. Since then there have been some completely empty stadiums and some arenas that have only been partially filled. The current season, on the other hand, is the first since the shutdown in which there are no longer any viewer restrictions.

In the meantime there were concerns that the time for major events was over or that there was less interest in experiencing professional football on site. After all, the limited capacity of some stadiums, which were only partially open and restricted by Covid regulations, was often not even reached.

A train of thought that has probably caught itself again. At least he reports now table footballthat the utilization of the stadiums in the current season “is even higher at 93 percent [liegt] than in the last season without corona restrictions 2018/19” (via football.news). At that time it was also a good 90 percent, but a little less.

In short: the arenas are better attended than in the pre-pandemic phase. The fears – or even hopes in some places – that professional football in Germany could lose broad interest and can therefore be shelved. So far, at least, the opposite is the case.

Everything about the Bundesliga at 90min:

This article was originally published on 90min.com/de as Bundesliga with higher stadium utilization than before Corona released.


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