Bundesliga: Reports: Bayern excitement about Hoeneß statements and Kane

Reports: Bayern excitement about Hoeneß statements and Kane

Will Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel still get Harry Kane? photo

© David Indian song / dpa

Bayern are looking for a striker – and cause a stir with their statements.

According to media reports, record-breaking German soccer champions FC Bayern Munich were surprised and excited about the statements made by Giving Uli Hoeneß the desired commitment from Harry Kane (29). Internally, one should be very surprised at the offensive statements made by the Honorary President about the England captain.

The 71-year-old Hoeneß had given an optimistic transfer forecast to Kane on Saturday at the Munich training camp at Tegernsee. “He has made it very clear that his decision stands. And if it stays the same, then we’ll get him. Then Tottenham will have to give in.”

Mega transfer in space

For Kane there is a mega fee of 80 million euros plus bonuses. The captain of the English national team could possibly become the first 100 million star in Munich club history. Hoeneß avoided naming a pain threshold for the Tottenham Hotspur striker. You have to get Tottenham boss Daniel Levy “first to name a number,” said Hoeneß. “He plays for time, is a savvy, super professional. I appreciate him very much. On the other hand, we’re not people who have been doing it since yesterday.”

Coach Thomas Tuchel had made a more defensive statement about the search for a striker. Unlike Hoeneß, the 49-year-old avoided expressing himself specifically. One is looking for a number 9, said Tuchel. “We’re ready to get fully involved if it’s someone who we’re all convinced will help us, athletically, personally and with his personality.”


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