Bundesliga: Heldt questions Sahin as possible BVB coach

Heldt questions Sahin as a possible BVB coach

A fresh start with a coach without a BVB past might have been better, says Horst Heldt. Photo

© Marius Becker/dpa

Terzic is gone, Sahin is coming. But is it the right thing to bring in someone with BVB experience again? A Bundesliga manager has his doubts.

Former national football player Horst Heldt sees the possible signing of Nuri Sahin critical as new coach of Borussia Dortmund.

“We are talking about changes. But if changes are the same, then they are not changes,” said the managing director of professional football at 1. FC Union Berlin in the Sky program “Triple – the Schüttflix football talk”.

Sahin may have a different personality than Edin Terzic. But like Terzic, he is “from our own stable” and has a “BVB past. Perhaps a fresh start with a non-BVB past would have made more sense,” said Heldt.

Terzic had surprisingly asked for the immediate termination of his contract, which was still due to run until 2025. According to “Bild”, Sahin will be his successor, and the only remaining talks between the 35-year-old and the management are said to be about clarifying the final details.

Heldt on co-coaching role: “More buddy than head coach”

This year, long-time Dortmund player Sahin had already worked as Terzic’s assistant together with former BVB professional Sven Bender (35). “You’re more of a buddy than a head coach,” said Heldt. That was also the case with club veteran Terzic: “So it stays the same, only the names are changed. I don’t know if that’s true, but it seems that way at first.”

For long-time BVB keeper Roman Weidenfeller, Terzic’s departure came as “somewhat of a surprise. But I think the time has come for us to go our separate ways,” said the 43-year-old, who won the German championship with Sahin in 2011. There was “a bit of unrest” in the team, “we didn’t agree on tactics. One or two players were no longer able to follow the path.”


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