Bundesliga: Bayern’s goalkeeper poker: No urgent solution after Gladbach’s veto

Bayern’s goalkeeper poker: No urgent solution after Gladbach’s veto

Has aroused the interest of FC Bayern Munich with his performance: Gladbach goalkeeper Yann Sommer photo

© Carmen Jaspersen/dpa

Hasan Salihamidzic emphasizes it again in Qatar: The Neuer failure hits Bayern “hard”. All options are checked. Is Gladbach’s refusal to move from Sommer just part of poker?

The cancellation announced by Borussia Mönchengladbach for a winter move from Yann Sommer to FC Bayern complicates the goalkeeper problem of the German soccer record champion.

However, according to reports, those responsible in Munich are not removing Gladbach’s number one from their list of candidates as a replacement for captain Manuel Neuer, who has been absent for a long time after a broken leg. The Basta from Mönchengladbach is seen more as part of the transfer poker at the Munich training camp in Qatar.

“We will not give up Yann Sommer. We told Bayern that too,” sporting director Roland Virkus told the “Rheinische Post”. The 34-year-old summer, in turn, should be inclined to change. His contract with Borussia expires at the end of the season. Gladbach could currently still achieve a transfer fee. In the room is a sum in the single-digit million range. In addition, Gladbach would have to find a replacement for Sommer.

Ulreich is the current Neuer replacement

Bavaria’s sports director Hasan Salihamidzic made a statement in Doha on Saturday, but before the Virkus statement became public. “I don’t like talking about players from other clubs, that’s well known,” said Salihamidzic when asked about the summer. “Of course we’re concerned with the goalkeeping issue. Manuel’s injury hit us hard, that’s clear. But we’ll do our job now, check options and then make a decision at some point.”

One possibility would be to bring Alexander Nübel, who was loaned to AS Monaco, back to Munich early. Bayern would have to pay a transfer fee for the 26-year-old, although he is under contract with them until June 30, 2023. Salihamidzic said about the Nübel option: “We had very good communication between us, him and his management.”

The Munich goalkeeper game could still take some time, even if the Bundesliga continues on January 20 for Bayern with the game at third-placed RB Leipzig. “The transfer market period ends on January 31. Until then we will either do something or not,” said Salihamidzic. In the training camp, Sven Ulreich is the current replacement for Neuer. In addition, without the loaned Nübel, Bayern only have inexperienced young goalkeepers. Without a new top goalkeeper, the Bayern bosses feel that the risk of being able to achieve the high goals for the season with this line-up is too great.


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