Britain: Monarchy opponents criticize call for oath of allegiance

Great Britain
Opponents of the monarchy criticize the call for an oath of allegiance

The then Prince Charles speaking at the House of Lords in London. photo

© Dan Kitwood/Pool Getty via AP/dpa

At the coronation ceremony for Charles III, the new king is to be honored for the first time with a “tribute of the people” – and not only him. There is sharp criticism for this.

Opponents of the British monarchy have responded to a call from the Church of England for a public pledge of allegiance to King Charles III. sharply criticized. The plan for the May 6 coronation is offensive and shows contempt for citizens, Republic organization’s Graham Smith said, according to the British PA news agency.

“In a democracy, it should be the head of state who swears allegiance to the people, not the other way around,” Smith said. “This nonsense should have died with Queen Elizabeth II and not outlive Elizabeth.” Smith also criticized the formula used to pay homage not only to Charles but also to his “heirs and successors”.

Smith said it was an invitation to also acknowledge Charles’ brother Prince Andrew, who is eighth in line to the British throne and extremely unpopular for his involvement in an abuse scandal. “This is clearly going too far.”

In the coronation service for Charles on May 6, a “homage of the people” to the king is planned for the first time, a “tribute of the people”. This replaces the tradition of other royals and nobles kneeling and paying homage to the king. The Church of England said it hoped the significant change in worship would result in a “great cry across the nation and around the world in support of the King”. The congregation and the millions of viewers are called upon to say: “I swear true allegiance to Your Majesty and to your heirs and successors according to the law. So help me God.”

Republic had recently demonstrated against Charles with yellow signs and the inscription “Not my King”. The group is planning a major protest for the morning of the coronation on May 6th.


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