Brecht Festival Augsburg: Interview with director Julian Warner – Munich

Julian Warner directs the Augsburg Brecht Festival for the first time. Instead of rummaging through the works of the poet Bertolt Brecht, he prefers to link his ideas with the here and now. How does that work?

Interviewed by

Yvonne Poppek, Augsburg

The ideas of the cultural anthropologist, musician and performance artist Julian Warner for the Brecht Festival in Augsburg are new, and sometimes strange and unexpected. Warner, born in 1985, chose Lechhausen as the festival location for the 125th birthday of the poet Bertolt Brecht. There shouldn’t be a classic like “Mother Courage” there, but instead a banquet, parade, and later also wrestling. Also, food comes first, then morale. Why? He can explain that conclusively and with a wonderful laugh during a conversation in his Munich studio.

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