Brazilian democracy under attack, Le Graët tackles Zidane and announcements on hunting

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Democracy was attacked in Brazil, but the new power held. Hundreds of supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro invaded Congress, the presidential palace and the Supreme Court in Brasilia on Sunday, just a week after the inauguration of left-wing President Lula, whose election they refuse. If the head of state was at the same time on the move, the images nevertheless remain impressive and recall the invasion, almost two years ago to the day, of the Capitol by hardened Trumpist militants.

After several hours of chaos, law enforcement finally regained control of the invaded buildings and arrested more than 200 people. Lula, who inspected the ransacked buildings on his return to the capital late Sunday evening, lamented the events “unprecedented in the history of Brazil”. From the United States, Jair Bolsonaro for his part condemned without firmness “the depredations and invasions of public buildings”.

Noël Le Graët was freewheeling on Sunday against a French football legend. The boss of the French Football Federation has indeed not spared Zinédine Zidane, attracting the wrath of Kylian Mbappé and the Minister of Sports, at the risk of further aggravating his case just before being heard. by the audit mission on dysfunctions at the FFF.

Barely twenty hours after the announcement of the extension of Didier Deschamps at the head of the France team, the climate became heavy again around Noël Le Graët. The fault of statements made at the microphone of RMC. Asked whether the former playmaker, who acted as the N.1 option at the head of the Blues in the event of non-renewal of Deschamps’ contract, had called him in recent days, Noël Le Graët is shown to be very brittle towards the 1998 world champion. “I would not even have taken him on the phone, he let go. To tell him what? “Hello sir, don’t worry, look for another club, I just agreed with Didier”? “. The Minister of Sports has since demanded an “apology”.

This is a sensitive subject that regularly comes up on the political agenda: securing hunting and good coexistence between hunters and hikers. After several months of debate, the government will therefore announce its decisions on Monday to better secure the practice of hunting and reduce the number of accidents, but hunters and anti-hunting activists seemed to believe that a Sunday ban was excluded.

Alcohol offence, training, public information on a mobile application: the Secretary of State for Ecology Bérangère Couillard will present the government’s arbitrations at 11 a.m., in the Loiret, after a meeting with the agents the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB), which issues permits in France and participates in the hunting police.

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