Border region of Saxony: group of crested monkeys escaped from the zoo

border area with Saxony
Crested monkeys escaped from zoo – a stoned suspect is said to have damaged the enclosure

Crested monkeys are originally from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

© imagebroker / Imago Images

Six crested monkeys are currently at large in Decin, Czech Republic. A suspect has been arrested for allegedly damaging the enclosure. Potential witnesses should not get too close to the animals – they could be dangerous.

A group of crested monkeys escaped from the zoo in Decin, Czech Republic, near the border with Saxony. Two of the animals from the species of macaques were caught again, six more were still on the run on Tuesday afternoon, as a zoo spokeswoman said. The population was asked not to capture the primates themselves. They had strong teeth and could be dangerous, it said. Decin (Tetschen) is located in the border area with Saxony, almost 75 kilometers south of Dresden.

The zoo is in the border area with Saxony

The police arrested a suspect. He is accused of breaking into the zoo around 9 p.m. on Monday evening and willfully damaging the electric fence around the crested monkey enclosure. According to the CTK agency, the 42-year-old man was caught trying to break into a nearby tourist restaurant. A drug test for cannabis was positive.

The zoo was closed to visitors. It is expected that the monkeys may return to their enclosure themselves if they get hungry. Crested monkeys are originally from Indonesia. They are diurnal rainforest dwellers and are considered good climbers, spending most of their lives in the trees. The species is listed as critically endangered by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).


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