Bluetongue outbreak in Deggendorf district – Bavaria

Bluetongue disease, which is dangerous for animals, has broken out in a cattle farm in the Deggendorf district. This was announced by the Deggendorf district office. The disease has been spreading in Germany since October 2023. In mid-September, the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) reported around 80 outbreaks in Bavaria. A month earlier, the animal disease was first detected in the Free State in sheep at a farm in Aschaffenburg.

Bluetongue disease affects cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas and various zoo animals and, according to the Standing Vaccination Commission for Veterinary Medicine (Stiko Vet), causes considerable animal suffering and great economic damage. It is transmitted by the bluetongue virus via certain mosquitoes. The disease is not dangerous for people, and eating meat and dairy products is also safe, according to the district office.

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