Blue eye circles: causes and help

Blue eye circles: These are the causes

We all know it: You get up in the morning and when you look in the mirror you are shocked because you see obvious bags under your eyes. For some people these are even bluish discoloured. Various factors can be responsible for the blue eye circles and in some cases they are even a sign that something in the body is not working properly.

In general, the skin under the eyes is particularly thin, which is why the blood vessels can show through in this area under certain circumstances. Particularly susceptible to this are light skin typesas the bluish pigmentation can shine through better. Other causes that promote the appearance of bluish discoloration under the eyes include:

1. Fatigue and lack of sleep

A common reason for the appearance of blue eye circles is insufficient sleep quality or lack of sleep. A lack of sleep can cause the Blood vessels expand or constrictwhich leads to an uneven blood flow. This can make the blood vessels under the eyes more visible and appear bluish. If we don’t get enough sleep, there is also an increased production of Stress hormone cortisolwhich can also cause dilation of blood vessels, thus enhancing this effect.

2. Skin aging

Age is also a possible factor that promotes bluish shadows. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and can become thinner. Skin thinnerthe blood vessels under the eyes are more visible and may appear bluish.

3. Genetic predisposition

But genetic predisposition can also play a role. Some people have naturally thinner skin or the blood vessels are more clearly visibleIf this is the case, dark circles under the eyes can also appear without any specific external influences.

4. Fluid accumulation

Excessive salt intake, a lack of fluids or hormonal changes can lead to fluid accumulation, for example under the eyes. This can not only cause swelling, but also blue eye bags. The reason: When fluid accumulates in the tissue, it can affect the capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body. As a result, Fluid from the blood vessels and into the surrounding tissue This leads to swelling and increased visibility of the blood vessels under the eyes.

5. Allergies

Allergic reactions such as hay fever or food allergies can also be possible causes. When an allergic reaction occurs, the body releases histamine, a substance that causes inflammation. These can also cause Expansion of blood vessels which in turn can increase blood flow and make the blood vessels under the eyes more visible.

6. Iron deficiency

Women in particular can suffer from iron deficiency due to blood loss during their period. Iron is an important component of the red blood pigment hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen in the body. A lack of iron can lead to reduced production of hemoglobin, which in turn can lead to poorer blood circulation and oxygen supply of the tissue. This can make blood vessels under the eyes more visible.

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