Bloomberg reports that Celsius may issue a new token. to repay creditors

Celsius mayleaveown token to repay creditors, according to Bloomberg on Jan. 24. The report cited the source of information from the video of the court hearing.

According to the report, Celsius attorney Ross M. Kwasteniet told the court that the company is negotiating with creditors about how to relaunch its platform. and reimbursement adequately The new version released will be It is a “duly registered public company” that, if approved by creditors and courts, will “issue new tokens to creditors as part of a payment plan.”

The report states that Details of the plan will be filed with the court later this week.

Twitter user CelsiusFacts, who frequently tweets updates about the lawsuit, claims to have found details of the reorganization plan. According to a Jan. 24 statement, Celsius Network intends to go public and use “Third Party Services” to ensure compliance with US financial regulations. Users can claim up to $7,500 or 95% of the total, whichever is less. New tokens will be issued to cover the remaining 5% or amounts above $7,500.

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