Big fight announced between Norway, France and Sweden… Follow the mixed relay with us

9:30 a.m.: The challenges

Fireworks to come to end this Pokljuka weekend! The first mixed relay of this World Cup season promises to be explosive, with three nations expected to engage in a big fight. Norway first, ultra-dominant in the men’s category, with a supersonic Johannes Boe on skis who crushed the competition in the sprint and pursuit. Then Sweden, which can count on the solid Elvira Oeberg on the women’s side. France finally, carried by the new boss of the women’s circuit Julia Simon and Quentin Fillon Maillet, who really launched their season yesterday with their 2nd place in the pursuit. Yum yum.

>> Forget the siesta, we meet here around 2 p.m. to follow this nice race that is coming up…

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