Biden’s fight, Trump’s triumph: Reactions to the US abortion verdict – Politics

The historic decision of the Supreme Court against the liberal abortion law was only a good two hours old when the President of the USA declared war on it. The verdict was “the realization of an extreme ideology” and “a tragic mistake by the Supreme Court,” he said Joe Biden. “I will do everything in my power to combat this deeply un-American attack.” The US Congress must act now to have the final say on the matter. “It’s not over,” Biden said combatively. Protests broke out in front of the courthouse in Washington, where both opponents and supporters had gathered before the decision was made.

Biden’s party, the democrats, apparently want to make abortion rights an issue in the congressional campaign – at least that’s what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says. Restricting abortion is just the beginning, she warned on Friday. “This is deadly serious.” In November, women’s right to choose their own bodies is on the ballot. The verdict was “outrageous and heartbreaking” and a “slap in the face to women”. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer wrote on Twitter: “Today is one of the darkest days our country has ever seen.” American women were said to have had their basic right to an abortion “stolen” by judges close to Trump.

However, along with the many anti-abortion groups in the United States, the cheered republican the Supreme Court’s verdict: “We welcome this historic decision that will save countless innocent lives”, wrote their top congressional representatives Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise and Elise Stefanik. Former Republican President Donald Trump wrote that the decision was only possible because he appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court. “It was a great honor for me to do that.” Despite the “radical left” there is still hope of saving the country. Trump appointed Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett during his tenure. In doing so, he clearly shifted the majority in the court to the right: to six of the nine seats.

Also the Catholic Bishops’ Conference the USA was pleased: For almost 50 years, an “unjust law” has been in force in America, which has enabled some to decide “whether others can live or die”; this policy has resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of unborn children. Generations have been denied the right to be born at all, said in a statement. “We thank God today that the court has now reversed that decision.” And pray that elected officials will now enact laws and policies that “enable and protect the most vulnerable among us.”

ex-president Barack Obama “Today, the Supreme Court has not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent, it has left to the whims of politicians and ideologues the most personal decision anyone can make — and attacked the fundamental freedoms of millions of Americans,” he called for resistance. , he wrote on Twitter. And he called for people to protest and get involved in pro-abortion initiatives. His wife MichelleObama wrote: “I am heartbroken for the people of this country who have just lost the fundamental right to make informed decisions about their own bodies.” The judge’s verdict must be a wake-up call, especially for young people.

while the anti-abortion from “National Right to LifeWhile hailing the verdict as “great for unborn children and their mothers,” human rights organizations condemned it: “Access to abortion is critical to guaranteeing fundamental human rights, including the right to life and personal security, privacy, non-discrimination, and freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment”, explained Human Rights Watch. All of these rights would be recognized in international agreements that the US has ratified. Amnesty International called the verdict a somber milestone in US history.

It also made waves internationally. Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) was “stunned”: “It has been proven that a ban on abortions does not lead to fewer abortions, it puts pregnant women at risk because they are denied a safe and medically supervised abortion.”

Canada’s Liberal Premier Justin Trudeau wrote on Twitter: “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.” The news from neighboring USA is “terrifying”. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the decision a “big step backwards”. Of the United Nations Population Fund pointed out, “Data shows that restricting access to abortion doesn’t stop people from having an abortion — it just makes it more deadly.”

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