Beyoncé’s dad showering the hopes of Destiny’s Child fans hoping for a reunion

Unfortunately, the reunion of Destiny’s Child is still not on the cards. Last week, the group’s Facebook and Twitter account headers were changed, and it didn’t take much more to ignite fans and start the rumor: legendary Beyoncé girl band Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams was going to reunite, record new songs, go on tour. But very quickly, Mathew Knowles, the historic manager of the training, came to calm things down.

No, there is no reform project he assured TMZ, specifying that this change on social networks was completely trivial. An announcement that will not fail to cause some fainting in the most devoted.

A long wait

Despite this sad denial, Destiny’s Child fans will console themselves with the promise, confirmed this time, of a new Beyoncé album. Earlier this month, the RnB star announced that she was putting the finishing touches on the successor to Lemonade whose release dates back to 2016.

“Sometimes it takes me a year to personally search among thousands of sounds for the right one kick or the right snare drum. A chorus can have 200 harmonies stacked. But nothing replaces the love, passion and rebirth that I feel in the recording studio. After 31 years, it’s the same excitement I had when I was nine. Yes, new music is coming! », She explained to Harper’s Bazaar to spare the expectations of its audience.

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