Berlinale is open: “It’s great that you’re here – great”

Berlinale is open

“It’s great that you’re here – great”

dpa/G. Matzka

Audio: Radio Eins | 02/10/2022 | Julia Visman | Image: dpa/G. Matzka

Red carpet, flashbulbs, stars and fans: the 72nd Berlinale opened with a festive gala on Thursday evening. Celebrities and politicians expressly celebrated the festival’s return to the cinema halls.

Glamor is returning to Potsdamer Platz: the 72nd Berlinale opened on Potsdamer Platz on Thursday evening with a festive gala. Actress Meret Becker welcomed film stars, jury members and politicians to the Berlinale Palast for the first major European film festival of the year. The gala guests wore masks and sat in a checkerboard pattern in the Berlinale Palast.

“We’re back on stage,” explained Carlo Chatrian, who runs the Berlinale together with Mariette Rissenbeek. Both thanked the Mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey (SPD), who made the film festival possible with a pandemic concept. “I felt how important the festival is for filmmakers and that gave me the courage and strength to keep going,” added Rissenbeek.

No parties, but a red carpet

Star line-up will likely be less lavish

Jury President “excited like a child”

“A festival must find a format in Corona times”

Two German films in competition

Honorary Golden Bear for Isabelle Huppert

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