Berlin State Ballet: “Bovary” – Culture

The man just can’t get out of his skin. With a clear look, he waits at the edge of the dance floor, turning his back on the lively ball game. The chair at his side remains empty; his wife has better things to do. Every now and then she rushes past, exchanges a few words with him, only to immediately plunge back into the waltz on the arm of a young beau – just don’t miss a beat, don’t miss any fun! The canary yellow robe billows like a sail, Emma Bovary is heading straight as an arrow towards her first adultery. An adventure that the good husband doesn’t want to know anything about. Whether sex, love, shopping spree – Emma’s desires remain completely alien to him. And so the country doctor Charles Bovary witnesses his wife’s fall, which takes place in slow motion in Gustave Flaubert’s work. For years. A decline that Christian Spuck’s “Bovary” with the Staatsballett Berlin now negotiates as a tight narrative network. Two hours, then the curtain comes down in the Deutsche Oper.

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