Berlin: shots in front of the hardware store – panorama

Several shots were fired in the parking lot of a hardware store in Berlin-Wedding on Friday afternoon. There were also knife wounds, according to a police spokesman. According to the fire department, there were four injured – three men and one woman. They were medically treated on site and then taken to the hospital, said a fire department spokesman. Police and fire brigade moved out on a large-scale operation.

There was an arrest in a parking garage at the hardware store that evening. It was a targeted attack against a specific victim, according to a police spokesman. “That means there was a previous relationship. The extent to which it has developed is part of the investigation.”

The act was characterized by a great potential for violence. How many shots were fired is still unclear. The perpetrator or perpetrators drove off the premises and are said to have touched another person with their vehicle, said the police spokesman. Apparently she was not injured, at least she did not seek medical treatment. According to dpa information, the police are looking for the car in the urban area with which the perpetrator or perpetrators are said to have escaped. The police are also increasingly patrolling parts of the city. “We also look to see if we can identify a holder,” said the spokesman. A connection to clan crime is to be examined.

The crime scene was cordoned off in the evening. The police were busy with the crime scene reconstruction and forensics – and asked a number of eyewitnesses about their observations. The suspect who was finally arrested belonged to a group of witnesses who were questioned. “What we do know is that the young man is said to have been one of the perpetrators,” said the police spokesman. According to the spokesman, two other men who belonged to the group have the status of witnesses.


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