Berlin: Child in cat box: mother in psychiatric facility

Child in cat box: mother in psychiatric facility

A seriously injured little girl was found in a cat box in front of an apartment building in the Berlin district of Treptow-Köpenick. Photo

© Jörg Carstensen/dpa

Someone hears a small child crying on the outskirts of Berlin. He finds an injured girl in a plastic box. The mother has now been admitted to a psychiatric facility.

After a mother in Berlin is said to have thrown her one-year-old child out of her third-floor apartment, the woman has been temporarily placed in a psychiatric facility due to indications of illness. The Berlin public prosecutor’s office announced this on Tuesday.

There are “indications of a mental illness in the 40-year-old mother,” it said. Investigations are underway on suspicion of attempted murder with base motives. According to a report in the “Bild” newspaper, the woman is said to have three other underage children and one adult child and was overwhelmed.

The little girl was found with serious injuries from a fall in a cat carrier in front of a house in the Treptow-Köpenick district on the south-eastern outskirts of Berlin. The police found the mother in the apartment and arrested her. In the apartment, the police found another child, aged nine, in addition to the mother. She was handed over to the youth welfare office.


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