Bercy maintains until the end of August, while reducing it, aid to sectors in difficulty

The Ministry of the Economy and Finance, in Paris (illustration). – Clément Follain / 20 Minutes

The sectors most affected by the health crisis will be able to continue to count on the support of the State for a longer time, even if this will be reduced. Public aid to companies in these sectors will be maintained but reduced between June and August, detailed the Ministry of the Economy on Monday.

The solidarity fund, which currently compensates companies in tourism, culture, sport, events and related sectors (lists S1 and S1 bis) up to 20% of their turnover before the crisis , is maintained for these three months. But the compensation will be limited in June to 40% of the loss of turnover (CA), still with a compensation ceiling of 20% of the turnover. In July, it will then be limited to 30% and in August to 20% of the loss of turnover, always with the same ceiling.

More discussions for the event

There will also be a minimum threshold for loss of turnover to be able to be compensated which should be set at 10% but has not yet been definitively stopped, the Ministry of the Economy further indicated. In addition, state support for the payroll of companies in these sectors will drop from 20% currently to 15% for the months of June, July and August.

Finally, the remainder payable by employers in these sectors for partial unemployment will be maintained at 0% in June, then will rise to 15% in July and 25% in August. In addition, with the events, discussions are continuing to complete this device insofar as this sector experiences low activity during the summer, we explained to Bercy.

A draft decree to be presented this week by the government to Parliament provides for an additional allocation of 6.7 billion to the solidarity fund, as well as 500 million more for partial unemployment. The approximately 30 billion euros available for 2021 will therefore not be sufficient, especially for the solidarity fund, which has become the most expensive support system.

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