Bepo Dachau: Young police officers train intercultural skills – Dachau

The topic of “intercultural skills” was the focus of the 65th training seminar for the riot police, which took place at the end of January. The approximately 150 prospective police officers were given the opportunity to improve their skills in dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds. Especially for the police, this competence plays an important role in an increasingly diverse society.

The focus was on the direct exchange with the prospective civil servants, the interfaces in the district and people with a migration background. The aim was to “create an atmosphere of understanding and empathy”, as the district office writes in its press release.

The teams, consisting of experts from the Dachau district office, Caritas Dachau, the spokesman for the volunteer group, the Dachau vocational school and cultural interpreters, gave the participants comprehensive input. Specific focal points were dealt with at four stations: integration in the district of Dachau, the asylum procedure and voluntary initiatives and projects.

Experience other perspectives

Contact options in connection with integration were also conveyed. Intercultural exercises gave the participants the opportunity to experience other perspectives. Various sporting activities with the professional integration classes of the Dachau vocational school served to break down barriers and make contacts.

The feedback from the officers in training and the police teachers was consistently positive, everyone was enthusiastic about the project day. “An informative, entertaining and interesting day,” was the verdict. The speakers were also impressed by the young prospective police officers. They described her as “very reflective and motivated”.

Aferdita Pfeifer, education manager in the Dachau district office, was pleased with the request from the riot police to organize this project day together: “We were able to intensify contact with the police and lay the foundation for future joint projects.”

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