Benzema wants to “do with the Blues” what he “does with Real Madrid”

Karim Benzema has not yet given up. After a failed Euro on a collective scale, but successful on an individual level, the French striker intends to continue on this line to bring France a new title, a few days before the kickoff of the Final Four of the Ligue des nations.

Better, in an interview with The team, he intends “to do with the Blues what I do at Real” – except for what is to lose against Moldovan teams, we hope – and “to win a title” [avec les Bleus]. With a hard but fair report on the failure of Euro 2021: “France was vice-champion of Europe, champion of the world. We had the players to do a lot better. “

“It must work with Antoine and Kylian”

The number 19 of the Blues also returned to the agreement within the trio he forms with Mbappé and Griezmann, tempting on paper but still perfectible. “We can have the best players, the best attack in the world, whatever you want, it takes time. There is also an opponent who knows you, looks at you, tightens the lines. We just need time. Each of us has its qualities. You have to tune them. But it must work with Antoine and Kylian. It would suit us well, yes.

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