Benedict XVI is dead: dates for laying out and burial announced

Joseph Ratzinger
Former Pope Benedict XVI died – laying out from Monday, funeral on Thursday

Joseph Ratzinger on April 19, 2005 after his election as Pope Benedict XVI.

© Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images

Mourning in the Roman Catholic Church: Former Pope Benedict XVI. is dead. Joseph Ratzinger was 95 years old.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. died in the Vatican after a long and serious illness. This was announced by the Holy See on New Year’s Eve morning. The former head of the Roman Catholic Church, born Joseph Ratzinger, was 95 years old.

Recently there had been great concerns about Benedict’s health, he suffered from breathing problems, among other things. Pope Francis had called for prayers for his predecessor. In the official statement, the Holy See wrote: “We regret to announce that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away today at 9:34 a.m. in the Mater Ecclesiae in the Vatican.” From Monday, January 2, 2023, he will be laid out in St. Peter’s Basilica so that the faithful can say goodbye to him. On January 5, at 9:30 a.m., Pope Francis will preside over the funeral of his predecessor.

In 2005 Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI.

Benedict XVI was elected Holy Father on April 19, 2005. The “Bild” newspaper delivered the legendary headline “We are Pope!”. In 2013, Ratzinger voluntarily resigned from office for reasons of age.

Before being elected Pontifex Maximus, he was Archbishop of Munich and Freising. The way in which Ratzinger, who was considered to be conservative, dealt with cases of abuse at that time, but also later in the Roman Catholic Church in general, repeatedly sparked criticism. Recently Ratzinger had withdrawn from the public. Benedict XVI, who was cared for by his long-time companion Georg Gänswein and nuns in a monastery, received visitors at irregular intervals.

During his lifetime, Benedict had already chosen the earlier grave of his predecessor John Paul II in the crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica as his resting place.


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