Ben Zucker: This is how the pop star celebrates Christmas

Ben Sugar
This is how the pop star celebrates Christmas

Ben Zucker is an “absolute Christmas fan”.

© Ben Wolf

Pop singer Ben Zucker reveals his Christmas plans. With his family, board games have a “longstanding tradition”.

Like many artists, Ben Zucker (38) could not often be on stage in 2021 because of the corona pandemic. Nevertheless, the year was very successful for him: his album “Jetzt geht zum Rechts!” landed at first place in the charts, and the longplayer also made it into the top five in Austria and Switzerland. In November, Zucker celebrated this success with a special edition of the album, which contained five new songs. In January 2022, the singer wants to go on a big tour across Germany.

In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the “absolute Christmas fan” talks about his traditions for the festival of love, how he deals with the corona situation and what he wants for the year 2022.

The corona situation is still tense, and the cultural industry is also suffering from it again. How are you doing in this situation?

Ben Zucker: First and foremost, I hope that we will all stay healthy and survive the current situation well. It’s really bothering me that it now looks like we will only be able to play concerts to a very limited extent – but of course the health and safety of my fans always have priority.

You recently got the special edition “Feuer frei!” Of your album “Jetzt geht noch!” released. It also features a song with zucchero – their names go well together. How did the collaboration come about?

Zucker: I already knew his world hits, of course, and he had also heard of me and found my voice very meaningful – and then of course our names (laughs). Zucchero and sugar, a nice effect. The first contact was then organized through our record label and then everything went its way.

Next year you’re going on a big tour. Are you in a positive mood despite the corona situation?

Zucker: Yes, I am. I hope that we can all play the shows, of course subject to conditions and with possible restrictions – it looks pretty good there so far! And I just want out! Playing for my fans, for everyone who couldn’t distract themselves for a long time, just bring back a little bit of normality with my band. My fans don’t get 100 percent Ben Zucker, but, now more than ever, 120 percent.

Christmas is around the corner. Are you more of a Christmas fan or a grouch?

Zucker: I’m an absolute Christmas fan. I love being with my family, reflecting on the year, playing board games, eating together and of course unwrapping presents.

How are you celebrating Christmas this year?

Zucker: Together with my family, as always.

What is on your menu at Christmas?

Sugar: On Christmas Eve we have a classic, potato salad with sausages.

Are there certain traditions that you maintain year after year?

Zucker: We love to play board games and every year someone in our family is chosen to get the game of their choice to play after dinner. We have a long tradition of doing this.

What was your worst Christmas experience?

Zucker: Last year, it was very unusual. We sent the presents to us by post and celebrated a Facetime Christmas session. It wasn’t terrible now – but I don’t have to do it again.

What is your personal balance sheet in 2021?

Zucker: It looks very positive, despite my corona infection in spring and the entire corona situation, I was able to achieve and experience a lot of great things this year. For example my bike tour through the republic to do something good for the children and the KAHUZA association. I recorded new songs and published them on my special edition, and I was able to stand live with my band on stage again, in front of a “real” audience, in Berlin’s Wuhlheide – and in Dresden! That was great and it felt really good!

What do you wish for in 2022?

Zucker: I hope that we will soon be able to experience our beautiful moments and experiences together again as normal, that the cultural industry will recover and that we will be able to experience a lot of concerts without mask and distance, and that we all continue to look out for one another and stay healthy .


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