Ben Affleck opens up about ‘worst experience’ of his career

Ben Affleck is playing in The Tender Bar, the new film by George Clooney, available since Friday on Amazon Prime Video. He thus lent himself to the promotional exercise and especially gave a long interview to the
Los Angeles Times, where he looks back on his last complicated years and on Justice league, “The worst experience” of his career. “It was the nadir for me,” says the actor. A bad experience linked to a conjunction of different things: my personal life, my divorce, the fact of being far from home often, problems with schedules, and then the personal tragedy of Zack Snyder, and the reshoots. It was really the worst experience for me. Appalling. “

The Batman performer hated it so much he thought, “I don’t ever want to do this again.” “He does not blame the film itself:” It is not even whether Justice league is bad, because it could have been anything. As a reminder, the cinema version of Justice league was finished by Joss Whedon to the chagrin of the fans, who campaigned for years to have a “Snyder Cut”, finally released in 2021. Ben Affleck will take over, one last time, the role of Batman in the film Flash.

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