Before the minimum wage increase: Temporary workers should get more money

Status: 06/22/2022 04:11 a.m

Temporary workers in Germany are to be better paid in the future: Against the background of the minimum wage increase, trade unions and employers have agreed to adapt the industry’s collective agreements.

Temporary workers in Germany should receive more money. The collective agreement for temporary work of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the Federal Employers’ Association of Personnel Service Providers (BAP) and the Interest Group of German Temporary Employment Agencies have agreed to adjust the collective wage agreements for the industry. The background is the planned increase in the statutory minimum wage

According to trade union information, this affects around 98 percent of the approximately 780,000 temporary workers in Germany. The adjustment became necessary after the Bundestag decided to increase the statutory minimum wage to 12 euros, which is to take effect from October 1 of this year.

Wages are to rise in three stages

According to Stefan Körzell, DGB board member and chief negotiator for the employee side, a total wage increase of 24.1 percent was achieved for the lowest wage group over the term of the collective agreement. Accordingly, wages will increase in three stages – first to 12.43 euros on October 1st of this year, then to 13.00 euros on April 1st, 2023 and in a third step to 13.50 euros on January 1st, 2024.

For wage groups 2a and 2b, increases of a total of 19 and 16 percent have been agreed – also in three stages: in October initially to 12.63 or 12.93 euros, in April next year to 13.20 or 13.50 euros and January 1, 2024 then to 13.80 or 14.15 euros.

According to Körzell, an important claim of the trade unions was to continue to achieve a significant gap to the statutory minimum wage in the lower pay brackets. It was said that wage groups 3 to 9 would be negotiated in the fall. Temporary work is one of the sectors with the highest collective bargaining coverage in Germany.

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