“Beat the Star”: Markus Babbel wins after Scholl exchange

“Beat the celebrity”
Markus Babbel wins after Scholl exchange

Markus Babbel (l.) had the edge in the first three games against Mehmet Scholl. And finally also won against his replacement Thomas Helmer.

© Seven.One / Steffen Z. Wolff

Premiere on “Beat the Star”: Mehmet Scholl had to be substituted. Markus Babbel finally won against substitute Thomas Helmer.

His return to “After the 13-year-old Beat the Star, presenter Matthias Opdenhövel (53) had probably hoped for a smoother start. But the successor to Elton (53) was confronted with a number of challenges on Sunday evening (June 2). His premiere was another first in the ProSieben show: for the first time, a substitute candidate had to step in. Former football professional Mehmet Scholl (53) seemed ailing from the start, losing the first three games to his former European Championship colleague Markus Babbel (51) and was finally replaced by the other 1996 hero Thomas Helmer (59). “Mehmet Scholl has acute knee problems,” explained Opdenhövel. It was not the only incident of the evening.

At 1.51 am the winner was announced

“For the first time in the history of ‘Schlag den Star’ we have had a change,” said commentator Ron Ringguth (58). He later emphasized that there is a replacement candidate in every edition who can step in during the live show if necessary. On Sunday it was Helmer, who was unable to catch up with Scholls over the course of the evening. After around five and a half hours, it was decided shortly before 2 a.m.: Markus Babbel can take home the suitcase containing 100,000 euros. He won with 62 to 43 points.

This brought an eventful show to a late end – which normally airs on Saturdays but had been postponed due to the Champions League final. The ex-presenter was also sitting in front of the television: Elton posted in his Instagram story that he would be watching TV “today with a smile and a tear in his eye”. However, he wished the whole team a “smooth show”. But that was exactly what did not happen. At first, Mehmet Scholl worried some viewers because he did not seem fit and had problems during football matches. He did not recognize any of the 13 club mascots that were shown and barely managed to kick a ball over a ramp.

Even after he was substituted after about an hour, there were more problems. During the “Hot Rod” competition, the first without Scholl, Babbel’s vehicle broke down, and he then joked: “You have to fill up too!” Then during the “Magnet Chain” game, the chains were too short, and during “Pickleball” Babbel’s thigh hurt so much that he abandoned the game and gave the points to his competitor Helmer.

On July 13th there will be a pair duel

“Beat the Star” has been around since 2009 as a variant of “Beat the Raab” with Stefan Raab (57). In it, two celebrities compete against each other and complete up to 15 different rounds of the game, which are about knowledge, skill and endurance. In the next edition on July 13, however, two couples will compete against each other, as was announced in the evening: Wayne (47) and Annemarie Carpendale (46) and Bushido (45) and Anna-Maria Ferchichi (42). Actor Carpendale already commented on this on his Instagram page: “A guy with a big mouth, where the woman wears the pants – versus Bushido.”


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