Beat the Star Comeback of Opdenhövel: Problems with Mehmet Scholl

Comeback of Matthias Opdenhövel
Glitches on “Beat the Star”: Mehmet Scholl embarrasses himself with football questions – and has to leave the show injured

“Beat the Star” candidate Mehmet Scholl (left) had to be substituted after a short time on Sunday

© ProSieben/Willi Weber

For the first time since Elton was kicked out, Matthias Opdenhövel hosted “Schlag den Star” again. But the evening was not without its problems: Candidate Mehmet Scholl even had to be replaced.

On Sunday evening, a candidate had to be substituted in the middle of the game on “Schlag den Star” – for the first time in the history of the show: The former football professional Mehmet Scholl was supposed to compete with his former colleague Markus Babbel in the ProSieben show. But the 53-year-old appeared slightly limping at the start. He explained to presenter Matthias Opdenhövel, who was presenting the show for the first time since Elton was kicked out, that he had problems with his knees. Scholl took part anyway – but things quickly became uncomfortable.

The people in charge of the show came up with football-inspired games. For example, Scholl and Babbel were supposed to kick a football up into the air and catch it in a basket attached to their backs. While Babbel was clever and quickly managed to get the first ball into the basket, Scholl just couldn’t manage it. But the real embarrassment came later: the two former football professionals were supposed to name the club mascots from the men’s Bundesliga – and failed miserably even for big clubs. “What’s going on here? You’re already football experts, aren’t you?” Opdenhövel couldn’t help but ask.

“Beat the Star” turned into a comedy show

After just under an hour, it was unexpectedly over for Mehmet Scholl: After a commercial break, he did not appear again. Instead, Opdenhövel announced a replacement: “Mehmet is actually having increasing knee problems. (…) The substitute is already here. He is also a European champion from 1996, it is Thomas Helmer!”

But even now “Beat the Star” didn’t go smoothly. First there was a car breakdown during the game “Hot Rod”, then the magnet chains needed for another game were too short twice. Opdenhövel nevertheless led the mishap show with ease. After more than five hours, Markus Babbel was declared the winner, Helmer simply couldn’t make up the deficit caused by Scholl.

By the way: Opdenhövel’s predecessor Elton had initially wished the team “a smooth show” on Instagram, only to tease a short time later: “Phew… OK… probably going to bed early today,” as screenshots on “X” show. However, Elton has since deleted the story.


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