Bear in the district of Rosenheim: Three sheep torn near the border – Bavaria

The bear, which appeared a few days ago in the mountains in the Rosenheim and Miesbach districts, attacked three sheep in a pasture. Two sheep were killed, the third suffered such serious injuries that it had to be killed. This was announced by the State Office for the Environment (LfU) on Wednesday evening. The attack apparently happened on Wednesday night and happened on a pasture in the southern district of Rosenheim. This is the first time that farm animals have fallen victim to a brown bear in Bavaria since the brown bear Bruno roamed the same region in 2006 and killed a number of sheep. According to the LfU, people were not at risk.

After discovering the two sheep carcasses and the badly injured sheep, an expert examined the animals and the tracks on the pasture. The man also took gene samples from the cadavers. Based on the first documentation of the external injuries of the animals and bear tracks on the pasture, the situation was immediately clear according to the LfU. Further findings, for example which bear it is, are expected after analysis of the genetic traces. It was unclear on Wednesday evening when the results could be expected.

According to current knowledge, the bear behaves shyly towards humans. In any case, no sighting or even direct contact has taken place so far. The LfU is nevertheless in contact with the security authorities in the region. Livestock owners in the border area of ​​the district of Rosenheim to Austria are asked to stable their animals at night if possible and to fence them in safely during the day. Further measures are being examined. The bear appeared in the mountains near Miesbach last weekend and then apparently moved east. It is suspected that it is the same animal that has been in the Tyrolean region of Brandenberg for weeks.

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