Bavaria: The driver races away from the police at 300 km/h – with the allowed 130

traffic control
Bavaria: Driver races away from the police at almost 300 km/h – at a permitted speed of 130

A patrol car drives with its blue lights on. Photo: Carsten Rehder/dpa/Symbolbild

© dpa-infocom GmbH

A driver in Bavaria tried to escape from the police at a completely excessive speed. That will be expensive …

A driver is said to have sped away from the police on Autobahn 93 near Rosenheim on Thursday at almost 300 kilometers per hour. When officers from the Raubling border police wanted to check him on Autobahn 8, the 48-year-old initially accelerated to around 220 kilometers per hour, the police said on Friday. Only 120 are allowed there. Shortly thereafter, the man switched to the A93 towards Kufstein and raced through an 80 km/h zone at around 220 kilometers per hour.

Stopped between Bavaria and Austria

According to the police, the 48-year-old then accelerated to almost 300 kilometers per hour between the Brannenburg and Oberaudorf junctions – with the permitted 130. Immediately before the border with Austria, officials intercepted him and secured his car, which he said he himself said only recently bought. Now the 48-year-old is being investigated.

Speeders on the Autobahn have to reckon with severe penalties. If you drive 21 to 30 kilometers per hour too fast outside of town, you can expect a fine of 100 to 150 euros and a point in Flensburg. A driving ban usually only threatens if the speed is exceeded by 41 kilometers per hour. In addition, this results in a fine of 160 euros, two points in Flensburg and a one-month driving ban. Repeat offenders must expect a driving ban if they exceed the speed limit of 26 kilometers per hour.

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According to an amendment to the law that came into force this year, anyone who drives between 16 and 20 kilometers per hour too fast in built-up areas and is flashed will soon have to pay 70 euros instead of 35. The penalties will also be adjusted for higher speeds: Anyone who speeds through the city at 91 kilometers per hour instead of the permitted 50 will have to pay a fine of 400 euros instead of the previous 200 euros


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