Bavaria: Police seize large numbers of refugees and smugglers – Bavaria

Almost a third of the illegal entrants apprehended at Germany’s external borders last year sought their way to Bavaria. This emerges from statistics published on Friday by the Federal Police Headquarters in Munich. In 2022, a total of 29,229 illegal entries were registered in Bavaria. This means an increase of 86 percent compared to the previous year. It is also the highest value since 2016, when a large number of refugees came to Germany from Syria, for example.

The greatest accumulation was in October. In this month alone, the federal police in Bavaria recorded 4,157 arrests – more than twice as many as in the previous year. The lowest number of apprehensions, however, was 1,243 in February. The number of human traffickers arrested has also increased over the past year. If the police caught 1,014 smugglers in 2021, by 2022 there were already 1,464. That is more than half of the smugglers arrested nationwide.

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