Bavaria: How to speak Bavarian without embarrassing yourself – Bavaria

The southern German dialects often sound more melodic than the northern variants of German. But if you want to use them correctly, you have to be very careful not to fall into a linguistic trap.


Hans Kratz

The Potsdam Rabbi Netanel Olhoeft said some time ago in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, he loves all southern German dialects, “because they are more Romansh and melodic. Up here in the north everything sounds a bit too much like machine gun salvos to me”. Of course, all too often this Romansh touch recedes into the background, then the southern dialects also sound like cannonballs. Especially when the speakers direct their focus on the coarseness that is often dragged out in movies, on the theater and cabaret stages so that the auditorium is supposed to enjoy the primitiveness of the language while slapping its thighs.

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