Bavaria: dead girl in Wunsiedel – still many unanswered questions

Dead girl in Wunsiedel – still many unanswered questions

Flowers on the access road to the child and youth welfare center in Wunsiedel, where a ten-year-old was found dead. photo

© Daniel Vogl/dpa

After the death of a ten-year-old girl in a child welfare facility, the monstrous became apparent: was another child involved in the crime? The police have clues.

In the case of a girl who was killed in Wunsiedel, investigations have made progress. Based on the evidence, the police assume that an eleven-year-old was involved. According to the information, he lived in a child and youth welfare facility just like the victim. “Since the eleven-year-old boy is not of criminal responsibility, he was placed in a secure facility as a preventive measure,” the police and public prosecutor’s office said on Friday.

Nevertheless, there are still many unanswered questions in the case – the public prosecutor’s office and the police held back with reference to the boy’s age with further information. Which traces led to the eleven-year-old remained unclear. Nor was it said how the girl had died.

The ten-year-old was found dead in her room in the child and youth welfare facility on Tuesday. The public prosecutor assumed a homicide. A special commission with around 40 employees began their investigations. According to the information, the emergency services immediately secured traces at the crime scene and left them to the State Criminal Police Office for evaluation.

Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann (CSU), praised the experts involved in the investigation: “Thanks to the meticulous and highly committed investigations, a person involved in the crime could be identified in a comparatively short time.” It is now a matter of “clarifying the exact background of this horrific act”.


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