Bavaria: Crafts criticize industrial electricity prices – Bavaria

The leaders of the Bavarian trade have spoken out against the introduction of a so-called industrial electricity price – in contrast to the state government. It must be taken into account that small and medium-sized craft businesses are also in competition with industrial companies, according to a message sent out on Monday by the Bavarian Craft Association (BHT). But there should be “no distortions of competition”. “If the price of electricity is subsidized in Germany, then it will apply equally to all producing companies.”

According to BHT, the criticism was also sent to Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (FW) by letter. Both had repeatedly called on the federal government to reduce the currently high energy costs for industrial companies. Some associations made similar statements: The Association of the Bavarian Economy (VBW), for example, published a study in July according to which noticeably higher electricity prices could be expected by 2030. Therefore, measures are needed until there is enough renewable energy available.

However, economists have different opinions regarding the electricity price brake currently being discussed in Berlin. The economist Veronika Grimm, professor at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, pointed out that an industrial electricity price could slow down the expansion of renewable energies. It is important to fundamentally improve the site conditions.

Instead of an industrial electricity price, the BHT calls for a “broad range of electricity” and generally lower electricity taxes. In addition, there is a need for “transmission and distribution networks that are developed as needed.” In fact, it was once planned that the two major routes, which are supposed to bring cheap energy from the north of Germany to the south, would go into operation in 2022 when nuclear power was phased out. However, their completion is expected to take until 2027.

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