Bavaria and Romania sign economic agreement – Bavaria

Bavaria and Romania want to expand their economic relations. Prime Ministers Markus Söder (CSU) and Ion-Marcel Ciolacu agreed on Tuesday in Munich to provide more incentives for investments by Bavarian companies in Romania and to open up Bavaria to Romanian skilled workers.

The two governments met for the first time for a joint cabinet meeting. An agreement to promote entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups was subsequently signed.

Prime Minister Ciolacu emphasized the investments of automotive, mechanical engineering and aviation companies and the dynamic economic growth in his country. A joint economic forum was agreed for the autumn in Bavaria. Germany is by far Romania’s most important trading partner. In Germany, Bavaria is Romania’s most important economic partner alongside Baden-Württemberg, with a trade volume of 8.2 billion euros last year.

The two governments also agreed that schoolchildren who come to Bavaria from Romania will receive Romanian language and history lessons starting this year. There are almost 200,000 Romanians living in Bavaria.

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