Bavaria: AfD wants to dismantle the wind turbines – Bavaria

All of Bavaria has been talking about wind turbines since Federal Climate Minister Robert Habeck’s push for the distance rule, since his plan to make Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) an “eco-patriot” and since the elegantly cloaked bickering between the two at the meeting in Munich. Meanwhile, others are studying the “wind atlas”, where is it blowing how hard, is it only the north of the Free State?

It is clear that something should happen in wind power. Now the AfD also wants to make a contribution to the debate: It’s not about the construction, but the dismantling, the scrapping of existing wind turbines and those that are yet to come. Ingo Hahn, environmental politician and former AfD parliamentary group leader, who no longer ran for the board internally in autumn due to the majority’s unpopularity, called for a concept on Wednesday for the disposal of the concrete foundations, heavy metals and composite materials that accumulate during the decommissioning.

He is convinced that wind energy has no future “in Bavaria with little wind,” “there is a risk of bankruptcies for wind power companies fattened with taxpayers’ money,” and “the green house of cards” will collapse. Only the AfD bravely dedicates itself to “wind wheel recycling”.

Hahn’s request has already been in the environmental committee twice; rejected by everyone. Florian von Brunn, SPD parliamentary group leader and environmental politician, says: “extreme time theft”. Dismantling issues are regulated by law, otherwise the AfD, as so often, brings “abstruse positions” to record “their echo chambers” on the Internet.

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