“Bauer sucht Frau” and “Celebrity Big Brother”: Both shows have a strong start to the new season

“Farmer Looking for a Wife” and “Celebrity Big Brother”
Both shows are off to a strong start to the new season

“Celebrity Big Brother” started the season strongly, “Bauer sucht Frau” with slight losses.

© RTL / Stefan Gregorowius / SAT.1

In the duel of show starts, RTL and “Bauer sucht Frau” prevailed. Nevertheless: “Celebrity Big Brother” got off to a remarkable start.

It was the Monday of the big TV duel between the private broadcasters RTL and Sat.1. As well as ““Bauer sucht Frau” and “Celebrity Big Brother” started the new season at the same time and of course also competed with the TV audience for the better ratings. Traditionally, in a comparison between the two broadcasting channels, RTL is usually ahead.

This time too: “Farmer is looking for a wife” was alluring according to AGF Videoforschung in collaboration with GfK A total of 3.43 million people watched TV sets – thus clearly relegating Sat.1 and “Celebrity Big Brother” to the bottom places with 1.72 million. At prime time, “Bauer sucht Frau” only had to admit defeat to ZDF and the thriller “The Huntress – Risky Security” (5.88 million).

Despite the strong ratings for “Bauer sucht Frau” compared to the competition, this meant a small decline for the format compared to the previous year: in 2022, almost four million people tuned in for episode one. A shrinking in viewer numbers was also noticeable in the target group of younger audiences between 14 and 49 years old. On Monday evening there were only 720,000 young people at the barn festival; in 2022 there would be over a million.

Sat.1 got off to a strong start in the “Celebrity Big Brother” season

Sat.1 didn’t reach RTL’s spheres with this year’s first “Celebrity Big Brother” episode, but it still got off to a strong start to the season: The 1.73 million can certainly be seen as a success, when you look at the advertising-relevant target group The TV container show’s decent start was even clearer: 700,000 young people tuned in – and this meant that “Celebrity Big Brother” was extremely close on the heels of the competition “Bauer sucht Frau” in this crucial category. Overall, Sat.1 only had 20,000 fewer young viewers than RTL. In terms of overall reach, an increase of around 150,000 viewers was reported compared to the previous year. At the same time, it was the best “PBB” season start since 2020.


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