Battlefield 2042: Fans want Day 1 patch

Day 1 patches are usually unpopular with gamers. at Battlefield 2042 But after the early access it becomes clear that the fans are literally longing for it. You can find out why this is so and whether there will be one here with us on MeinMMO.

This is how the Early Access launch of Battlefield 2042 went: It can be said that the early launch of Battlefield 2042 was rather mixed. The game struggled with numerous problems from the start.

While the servers only had a bit of hiccups on the release weekend and there were no major failures, there are some other technical and gaming problems:

These include, for example:

Apparently the anger of the community goes so far that death threats were issued against the developers.

Now many players are hoping that a Day 1 patch will address at least some of the problems and solve them. But a message causes disillusionment. Because the patch is apparently already there.

Day 1 patch apparently appeared before the release, causing disappointment

According to industry insider Tom Henderson should actually 3 updates within the first 3 weeks to be published after the official release. The first update of it appeared earlier than expected and it looks a lot like it was already the Day 1 patch.

What kind of patch was that? Yesterday, November 18th Update 0.21 was released. That fixed an annoying one Problem with rubber banding that could throw players across the map, but otherwise only devoted himself to little things.

The bigger problems the community is pissing off are still at play. The fans are not very enthusiastic about it, as shown in the subreddit and on Twitter. Insider Tom Henderson writes, “It looks like today was the Day 1 Patch … Ouch.”

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Some players on reddit are also disappointed. Szerek54 writes sarcastically, “I’m waiting for the announcement that the game will go into maintenance mode next week.” (via reddit)

From the reactions it can be concluded that numerous players have placed much greater hope in a possible Day 1 patch. That the patch fulfills these hopes is probably not the case for now.

Is there another patch in prospect? According to the EA official website, two more updates are planned for the month after the release. It is not known what exactly these will fix, but we do know of some things that developer DICE has officially on the screen.

These include, for example, the problems with the assault rifles and the resuscitation bug. As always, we will keep you up to date with the latest information.

Day 1 patches are usually rather unpopular

Why is that unusual? Actually, these updates don’t have a good reputation with gamers. They are often seen as a sign that the developers were releasing the game too early and not spending enough time fixing bugs.

In addition, these patches are sometimes quite large, which often means that you cannot start playing as soon as the game is released. Sometimes you have to download dozens of gigabytes to start the game.

The state of the game probably ensures that the players long for updates and fixes for the problems.

But what do you think of that? Did you have any hopes for a bigger Day 1 patch? Or did you already suspect that he wouldn’t rip everything out?

By the way, we accompany the start of Battlefield 2042 for you in the live ticker for the release and server status

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