Basic equipment for the cat: These things are important

The acquisition of a cat should be carefully considered, after all, it can be up to 20 years old. Consider carefully in advance whether it is possible to care for the animal for the rest of its life. Because that costs time – and money. We have calculated for you how the keeping costs are composed in detail.

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In Germany there are over six million pet owners who have cats. This comes from a current Statista survey (As of 2020). Due to the ongoing corona pandemic, it can be assumed that the number has increased in the past few months and will continue to increase. Much to the regret of the local animal shelters who have to take in many cats after they are no longer cute kittens. And it has become clear to the keepers that they are not doing the animals justice.

Our appeal to all people who want to buy a cat is all the more urgent: Please think carefully about whether you can get involved in a velvet paw for the next 15 to 20 years. The following list of costs from the German Animal Welfare Association is a good aid. If you are still ready to get an animal afterwards, our initial kit for a cat should help you with the preparations.

What are the costs of keeping a cat?

According to the Deutschem Tierschutzbund eV, the total costs for a cat that lives on average 16 years old amount to almost 11,500 euros. These are made up of the following points:

One-time costs

  • Purchase: Depending on whether you bring a cat to you from the animal shelter or visit a breeder, the costs for an animal can range between 100 and up to 2,000 euros.
  • Basic equipment: So that your cat gets used to its new home as quickly as possible, a bowl and a basket, a scratching post and a litter box as well as some toys are among the most important utensils. Calculate here between 150 and 200 euros for the initial equipment.

Annual costs

  • Prevention and care: There are recurring expenses for cat food and litter every year. In addition, there are additional costs for the veterinarian, who has to deworm and vaccinate your cat several times – or treat parasites. The total costs are therefore estimated to be up to 700 euros per year.

Special editions

  • Vet: If your cat is to be neutered, neutered, unexpectedly ill, or injured, you may incur additional costs. Depending on the severity and duration of the treatment, you can expect high additional expenses.

Initial equipment for the cat: what does it include?

Pet crate
On the day of the handover (regardless of whether at the animal shelter or at the dealer) you need a secure one Pet crate for the cat – so that the car journey is as pleasant as possible for humans and animals. And the velvet paw has less stress. Apart from that, you will need a box at the latest when you have to drive the cat to the vet. Depending on the size of the animal, you should make sure that it can lie down in the box. And the weight of the bag should also be taken into account so that it lies comfortably in the hand and can be easily carried. Remember here: wicker baskets are nice to look at, but difficult to clean. Fabric, on the other hand, is lighter than plastic, but plastic is easier to clean. Weigh up individually which transport box is best for your cat.

Litter box
Regardless of whether your cat will be outdoors or not, it will need a toilet inside the apartment – if you have several house tigers, you should also set up more than one litter box. The animals have a sensitive nose and (in some cases) do not do their business where the remains of their conspecifics have already been buried. If you bring in a cub, there is one Low rim litter box Recommended for easier entry. Later on, you should choose a model that is large enough for the adult animal to turn around in it without any problems. When it comes to cat litter, it is important in the beginning to use the same one that was used in the animal shelter or at the dealer. You will also need one to clean the remains perforated shovel.

Feeding place
Every cat needs it two bowls, preferably made of stainless steel or ceramic, then they are easier to clean: one for the feed and one for fresh water. Make sure there is enough space between the bowls so that no food scraps end up in the drinking bowl and contaminate it. Place the two bowls on one document, protect the floor from falling cat food. It is best to use the same varieties that the animal was given to eat at the home or at the breeder’s. Alternatively, there are also special varieties for young animals, which are supposed to provide them with all the important nutrients in the first months of life. In any case, pay attention to a species-appropriate and balanced diet so that your cat stays healthy. The purchase of one can also make sense Drinking fountain for the pet, as some velvet paws like to drink running water from the tap.

Cats should have the opportunity to withdraw, especially in the first few weeks after moving in. Apart from the fact that they can sleep up to 16 hours a day, they need enough rest to get used to – to get used to the new home. Since the animals prefer to choose their own sleeping place, you should have a cozy blanket pillow or Sleeping basket lie down where the velvet paw likes to sleep. Alternatively, there is also a scratch tree because it has several advantages: It is a place of retreat, sleeping place and vantage point in one. Apart from that, indoor cats in particular can sharpen their claws on it (instead of on your furniture) – or just climb around on it. For this reason, it is important that it stands securely and cannot tip over.

If you have a balcony, make it available to your cat as well. The animals love to be in the fresh air and watch the area. Here, however, caution is also advised: You should do one to prevent your four-legged friend from jumping into the depths and injuring themselves or even running away Safety net attach. Clarify in advance with your landlord whether you will get permission for this. Alternatively, there are also special ones Protective grille for windows that are tilted – in case your cat is in danger of squeezing itself in or running away. However, weigh up when the purchase is really necessary. Depending on which floor you live on and how eager to go out your pet, it makes sense to attach it. For outdoor enthusiasts a Cat flap be useful, here too you need the permission of your landlord.

Cats love to play, no matter how old they are. For this reason, the right toy should not be missing in the initial equipment. Especially when the animal is not allowed to go outside, it is all the more important that it is kept happy. Provide enough variety that a cat requires physically – and mentally -. If Cat fishing rod or feather feathers, balls or fur mice: there is a whole arsenal of toys on the Internet, which you can use individually as well as in the set able to buy. Make sure you have a balanced mixture that both satisfies the animal’s hunting instinct and trains small kittens. But it is also important that you do not offer the house tiger everything at once, otherwise it could quickly lose interest in it.

Last but not least, grooming is also on the agenda. A cat will take care of most of this by itself, but it can’t hurt to brush the animal regularly – if you don’t want all of the hair (especially when a coat change is pending) to end up on your furniture. That said, cats enjoy regular massage if, for example, they have a special one Grooming glove use with rubber nubs. For upholstered furniture, on the other hand, there is Lint rollers for removing animal hair.

Source: German Animal Welfare Association

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